Confidence At The Core
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    Confidence accounts for a greater percentage of influence than most of us realise.

    Your confidence determines:

    • whether you’re heard when you have something significant to say,
    • your ability to push back when others try to control or manipulate you,
    • other people’s perceptions of you and your scope of influence, and
    • your capacity to exhibit maturity through self-control.

    Despite great effort to manage our confidence, we often come up short. We fail to project the right balance of confidence and humility that other people read between the lines.

    In the world of confidence, there is no faking. You either are the real deal or you are not. If you long to grow to the next level, confidence is non-negotiable. The question is how to get there.

    Confidence at the Core translates the abstract elements of this mystery called confidence into simple, applicable frameworks that will help you ultimately develop your confidence from the inside out. Experiencing your best life is possible. But to get there, you’ll need Confidence at the Core.

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